Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Wizard and Glass - Post 2

     In the beginning of Roland's flashback, we are introduced to the young protagonist, Susan Delgado, who, endearing hard times financially, has agreed to become a surrogate mother for money.  We are also introduce to young Roland Deschain, as well as his two peers and close friends, Alain Jones and Cuthbert Allgood.   The trio has been sent to the small town in which Susan lives under fake names, in order to keep them safe from turmoil in their own town.  When Susan and Roland first meet each other, the element of love at first sight is enforced heavily.  The two characters are completely smitten by each other, and again the theme of fate comes into play.
      Roland, a heavy believer in fate, leaves it up to the gods to decide what will happen among the two of them.  Susan thinks of fate as foolish, and prefers to take the responsibility for her own actions.  At this point in the story, the reader is left with many unanswered questions.  Susan, although infatuated with Roland, has already promised to bear a child for another man.  Roland, clearly feeling the same way about Susan, may not take the information lightly.

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