The uncertainty principle is a key idea in quantum mechanics, and is extremely important in discussing cosmological ideas. In its basic form, the principle states that particles and energy waves are connected, no matter how distant. Because of these connections, all particles exist in a state of limbo, so to speak, in which they are both a particle and a wave, until it is observed. When the particle, or energy wave is observed, it exhibits the properties we characterize it with. The connections between particles and their respective waves is extremely important when considering the beginning of the universe.
Before the big bang, it is assumed the matter and energy in our universe was extremely condensed. During this time, particles formed bonds with certain other particles. As the Big Bang progressed, these particles moved to different parts of the universe, becoming separated by extreme differences. Because of the uncertainty principle, many of these particles are recorded as energy waves. However, when the connected particle is being observed, its counterpart will exhibit similar properties. After this breakthrough discovery, many more scientists subscribed to the Big Bang Theory.
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