Monday, September 7, 2015

The Elegant Universe - Post 5

      When developing his theory of relativity, Einstein was able to use the existing properties of three dimensional geometry put forth by Bernhard Riemann.  He applied Riemann's theories to his own theory of space time to explain mathematically the theory of relativity.  However, Riemann's geometric theories aren't applicable to the small scale models used in quantum mechanics and string theory.  For this, a new type of geometry was invented, called quantum geometry.  When this math is intertwined with string theory, new cosmological insights were discovered.
       Brian Greene closes his book by discussing the uncertainty of string theory.  Every established theory in physics has one basic concept to understand the entire theory.  This is one thing string theory lacks.  As of today, the search for a unifying theory of the universe continues.  While string theory looks promising, there is still much physicists need to know about it.

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