Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Fabric Of The Cosmos - Post 3

      Continuing with his analysis of cosmological principals, Brian Greene relates the very beginning of the Big Bang, referred to as the singularity, to that of a black hole.  It is the belief of many scientists today that black holes could hold the key to understanding exactly how our universe, and the space time continuum were formed.
      Although black holes have not been definitively proven, and some physicists are still skeptical, the mathematical and physical results are extremely assuring.  Studying black holes proves extremely difficult, as physics, and time itself begin to break down at the singularity.  What lies beyond that point, as well as before the big bang, is purely speculation among scientists. Any attempt to mathematically explore these concepts has proved ineffective.  In these chapters, Greene explores some of the speculations in an intuitive way.

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