Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Crucible and Wizard and Glass - Honor

    One of the major driving forces behind the themes of both The Crucible and Wizard and Glass are the protagonists' feelings of honor and dignity.  His honor is what drives John Proctor, from The Crucible, to tell the truth and face being hanged for it.  The same follows for many other citizens of Salem who kept their integrity, but not their life.  Roland and Susan, in Wizard and Glass, balance between honor and fate.  Ultimately, honor drives them to do jobs they are required to do, costing themselves much in the way of other issues.  Both books place a high price on dignity, while exploring the sacrifices one must make in order to preserve it.  Characters in The Crucible face a simple choice: lose honor, or die.  In Wizard and Glass, the stakes are less dire, and the situation more complicated.  Both protagonists break their integrity to follow the whims of fate, while protagonists of The Crucible hold steadfast to their morals.

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